World Diabetes Day: 7 Super Foods Which Keeps You Away From Diabetes

Diabetes, also known by the name slow poison has almost gripped everyone in its clutches and is taking away the happiness from the lives of many people. Diabetes has become a common disease which can be found in every house. There is no doubt that it is affected by genetic disorders but with the changing scenario it is changing into environmental factors. The most important thing on world diabetes day is to keep the ailment away is keeping a track of your diet. Losing 5-10% of total body fat can reduce cholesterol levels, hypertension and blood sugar levels.

This world diabetes day, these 7 foods will kick away the diabetes from your life.

No fat dairy products


It is recommended that every person should rely on low fat dairy products like skimmed milk etcetera because it will provide essential amount of vitamin D. Yogurt can also be considered because it has low glycemic index. These products also help in reducing the fat from the body.

Fish rich in omega 3 fatty acids


Omega 3 fatty acids have no carbohydrate contents, which keeps the body fat at bay and also increases the amount of energy needed. Salmon, herring, sardines are loaded with omega 3 fatty acids. This kind of food also helps in digestion and keeps a check on BMI.

Brown Rice


If you love eating rice, then it is better if you are munching on brown rice because brown rice contains low glycemic index which helps in reduction of fat from the body. Moreover, brown rice stabilize the amount of blood sugar levels in the body.



Garlic is a all time super food. Be it boosting your sex life or keeping away the diabetes. Garlic always plays an important part in the foodie’s life. This world diabetes day make sure you are eating garlic because it keeps the bad cholesterol away and also reduces the inflammation.



The winter is on and so the time of nuts. This rich, healthy and tasty super food is extremely helpful for keeping diabetes away. The essential oils and rich nutrients keep the bad cholesterol and fat off from the body. So pledge to include nuts on world diabetes day.



Also known to be rich in vitamin C and other useful acids, tomatoes should be consumed regularly because it is helpful for the heart and reduces blood pressure which is affected due to diabetes.

Low starched vegetables


Vegetables like broccoli, beet and asparagus are the best meal options in order to avoid diabetes on this world diabetes day. These vegetables contains good amount of vitamins, minerals and fiber and are also helpful in keeping away the bad carbohydrates.

Poor lifestyle can also result in diabetes and serious physical activity should be done on regular basis. Make promise that on world diabetes day a potential and healthy diet will be part of your life.

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