Cartoon Network Will Now Let You “Powerpuff Yourself” Online

Cartoon network launches their new interactive website which let you transform yourself into popular Powerpuff characters easily. This is one of the top Twitter trends with #PowerpuffYourself and buzzing all over the internet.

“The Powerpuff Girls” was first aired in 1990’s which basically based on three girls fighting crime using their supernatural powers. The show was quite popular during that time, last year Cartoon Network made an announcement of rebooting the Powerpuff Girls series this year.

Cartoon Network Launches Powerpuffyourself

Now, Powerpuff Girls will begin telecast from 4th April on cartoon network. So to rebranding the franchise and promotion they have launched the interactive web portal where you can customize and create different Powerpuff wallpapers, GIF animations, Avatars based characters right from your desktop or smartphone.

You can also use accessories to make your characters look perfect which includes skin tones, hairstyles, clothing, glasses, moustache etc. You can also share your creation on social media sites too.

Soon after the launch of the website, many of the users shared their creation and got the impressive response. Here are some creations by the users shared on Twitter:

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