Health benefits of Giloy: Best Home Remedy for Dengue Fever

Giloy Benefits: Giloy is a wonderous herb that is believed to provide relief from many ailments. Giloy, the Indian name of which is Indian Tinospora and the botanical name is Tinospora cardi folia Wall. ex Seringe. Giloy is also called Guduchi.

The Giloy vine is mostly found near mango and neem trees. It has heart-shaped leaves and the part of it used to treat ailments is its thin stem. It bears small flowers and fruits as well.

Giloy Benefits

Giloy Benefits- “herb of immortality”

The health benefits of Giloy are numerous, and that is why it is also called the “herb of immortality”.

Immunity Booster

Giloy Benefits

Giloy has antioxidant properties that help in better digestion of food. It also purifies the blood. When Giloy juice,powder or tablets are taken on a regular basis, the body becomes immune from seasonal fever and provides a shield from the bacteria and germs. As giloy is a natural antioxidant, it also helps remove toxins from the body.

Helps treat Chronic Fever- Dengue, Malaria

Giloy Benefits

Giloy has antipyretic properties that treat the chronic and recurrent fever as seen in malaria and dengue. Taking giloy on a daily basis can also help avoid such chronic fever and diseases attacking the body at first place altogether.

Anti-Cancer properties

Giloy Benefits

Recent studies have found that the chronic disease of cancer can be cured by the regular intake of Giloy. Taking fresh Giloy juice daily helps to make the body immune to cancer and also treats cancer in the long-term. Giloy is said to contain radioactive properties and the required chemicals that fight cancer cells. So it can be said that daily use of giloy might reduce the chances of cancer to a great extent.

Works wonders for skin

Giloy Benefits

The anti-ageing properties contained in Giloy help fight breakouts on the skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines. And since it also boosts the immune system, a natural glow can be seen on the skin with its daily intake.

Treats Diabetes 

Giloy Benefits

Giloy helps reduce high blood sugar and controls the “Type 2” diabetes. But one thing that has to be taken care of is that giloy should not be taken in case you are already taking a medicine for diabetes since in that case, your blood sugar level might fall drastically low.

Other than this, Giloy helps treat asthma, arthritis, stress and respiratory problems. Well, The health benefits of this wondorous herb are numerous and that leaves no reason for you to not take it.

Precaution: As said earlier, in diabetes, Giloy should not be taken along with other ‘diabetes-control’ medicines. And it should not be taken during pregnancy as it might lower the blood sugar levels. 

1 thought on “Health benefits of Giloy: Best Home Remedy for Dengue Fever”

  1. Giloy is really an amazing plant. In July of 2015, it was discovered that I had type 2 diabetes. By the end of the month, I was given a prescription for Metformin. I stated the ADA diet and followed it completely for several weeks but was unable to get my blood sugar below 140. With no results to how for my hard work, I panicked and called my doctor. His response? Deal with it. I began to feel that something wasn’t right and do my own research. Then I found Rachel’s blog . I read it from cover to cover and I started the diet and by the next morning, my blood sugar was 100. Since then, I have a fasting reading between the mid 70s and 80s. My doctor was so surprised at the results that, the next week, he took me off the Metformin. I lost 30 pounds in the first month and lost more than 6 inches off my waist and I’m able to work out twice a day while still having lots of energy. The truth is we can get off the drugs and help myself by trying natural methods.


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