Pre-Pregnancy Stress Can Affect Baby Size

All of us are very much aware that mental state of a pregnant lady during carrying period will affect the overall well-being of the newborn baby.

Now, a recent study claims that pre-pregnancy stress will enhance the chances of delivering underweight babies. The research was led by Christine Guardino, a postdoctoral scholar in psychology at the University of California.

The findings were released as a newsletter on March 21, 2016, in the University Journal.

Christine Guardino told that cortisol pattern that has been connected with chronic stress would result in the delivery of low birth babies.

In typical cases, the level of stress hormone will be more when you wake up in the morning, and it will slowly decline as time progresses in the day.

But some people have low cortisol level in the morning, and they will experience smaller than average decline during the day time. This abnormal pattern is often experienced in stressed pregnant ladies, which will cause low birth weight.

The research team has analyzed 142 pregnant women before making these conclusions. The team under the leadership of Christine considered various factors like blood pressure, body mass index and cortisol levels to determine the stress quotient.

According to research, around 3,00,000 are born in the United States every year with low birth weight.

These babies may face various health issues in the future, and sometimes, it may even lead to untimely death.

The study also asks a woman to determine their stress levels before they plan to become pregnant. They should treat depression and stress to lead a quality life, thus paving the way for delivering babies with a healthy weight.

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