Transformers, the name in it is behemoth and so are the movies. The cinematic world of Transformers is so huge that none of us could stop, watching the toy based movie. The latest movie which is making its entry in 2017 is Transformers 5: The Last Knight. Michael Bay who is the creator of this live action movie has given his best in his last Transformers movie.
Paramount on Sky High

For last nine years we have been enjoying these movies, with three sequels $3.7 billion at the worldwide box office and who knows how much in merchandising. It proved that Paramount is swinging on success wings. Transformers is inspired from toy related series which started in 1980’s influencing others like G.I Joe, Trolls, Ouija and The LEGO.
Combat with big budget releases
Transformers 5: The Last Knight is the fifth installment which will release in June, 2017. The rumors suggest that the movie will deal with the legend of King Arthur in some respect. Moreover, summer of 2017 is going to be pretty challenging as it will be the time when the big movies will come face to face with each other like, Spiderman: Homecoming, Wonder Woman, Guardians of Galaxy Vol.2 and long awaited Justice League. The movie will bring all the living Autobots along with Mark Wahlberg, Stanley Tucci and the new entrant Anthony Hopkins together.
Last Ride of Michael Bay

It is also learnt, Transformers 5: The Last Knight will be the last movie which Michael Bay will direct; it won’t be the last movie of the hit installment. Michael Bay said on the official twitter account of Transformers that the teaser trailer of Transformers 5: The last knight will arrive along with the release of Rouge One: A Star Wars Story in December. He tweeted, “I want to tell you, because I’ve been reading you comments, the teaser is coming. December 16th on Star Wars. So look forward to it.”
Solid Campaigning by producers
Though movies start their marketing campaign before the release of the movie, but Transformer 5: The Dark knight has already been promoted, revealing the old and new characters, behind the scenes footage and a massive poster which featured on Times Square. Paramount is taking every single step to enthrall their audience with their best efforts. The first look of teaser shows that how big this movie is going to be.
Formers into action
We know how big Transformers 5: The Dark knight is going to be, as the previous movies were damn entertainer and popular all over the world, expectations are high from this big budgeted movie. Not only Mark Wahlburg will be returning, Josh Duhamel, Tyrese Gibson who were part of the first three movies will also be returning in lead roles. Peter Cullen who is known for lending his voice of Optimus Prime will return back again.
The Big Baddie

Transformers have been fairly criticized for being arrogant, loud and sometimes disorientating as most of the movies showed the Prime vs. Megatron war but in Transformers 5: The last knnight we will enjoy the Autobots/Decepticons war history. But, believe it or not fans still love watching Optimus Prime, Bumblebee and the rest of the team into action. There is nothing like Transformers 5 movie as it is already turning the heads with its teaser posters and heavy duty star cast. Let’s Hope, The Last knight becomes the ruler of the world.