Vellore: Girl Dies After the Tonsil Surgery, Family Complaints of Medical’s Negligence and wrong date entry

20 June 2016: A 13-year-old girl dies after the tonsil surgery in the Government Vellore Medical College Hospital (GVMCH) in Vellore on Saturday after which the girl’s parents filed a case following the Medical negligence and wrong date entry in the certificate on Sunday on Friday.

13 year old girl dies after tonsil surgery

According to the source, Monisa (13), a resident from Thiruvalam and a student of class VIII underwent surgery after her complaint to her parents regarding her throat pains and problems of swallowing food. Accordingly, her parents admitted her to the Government Vellore Medical College Hospital on June 13. And the doctor decided to operate on her for tonsillitis.

According to Monisa’s mother, the surgery took place on Saturday at around 9 AM and around 11:00 AM one person came from the operation theatre and showed her two pieces of skin (tonsil). She was told that the skin has been removed from her daughter’s throat. And at 12:30 PM, she was again informed that her daughter is in a critical condition and later she was shifted to ICU shortly after the surgery. However within 10 minutes, the family was informed about their daughter’s is dead, said the heartbroken mother.

According to the source, the family has accepted the body of their daughter on Saturday and later, when the family noticed the error date mention in the certificate, they grew suspicious and lodged the complaint with the police.

The police have registered the case and conducted the post-mortem on Sunday and further sent for the forensic analysis said the police officials.

According to the post-mortem reports it is mention that the reason behind the girl dead is the cardiopulmonary arrest due to bronchospasm (breathing problem), said the dean of GVMCH, Dr Usha Sadasivam. She also said that the doctors have tried to revive the child but they could not make it.

The error date entry on the certificate is as June 17 instead of June 18, made suspicious to the family members and have lodged the complaint against the medical negligence with the police.

Dr Usha Sadasivam further described that “bronchospasm was a rare condition that occurred in one out 10,000 cases. And in the case of Monisa respiratory tract infection could have caused it. It is like breathless that can cause obstruction during the airway”. Doctors denied negligence on the part of surgeon and anaesthetist.

Dr Sadasivam further added that a memo has been issued to the nurse who has made an entry.

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