Mark Zuckerberg is Dead. All Your Friends Are Dead. Everyone is Dead, Except You – Facebook Issues

Facebook issues : – Facebook is one such name which everyone is familiar with. It is one of the most popular websites in the world. It is estimated that one out of every 7 people on the planet use Facebook. When something goes wrong with it, people are bound to notice. Especially when Facebook says that everyone you know is dead! Even Mark Zuckerberg himself was a victim to this menace.

Facebook issues
Facebook issues:Alive people being declared dead!

It was a bug that had declared living people dead. Mark Zuckerberg’s profile displayed this message :-

“Remembering Mark Zuckerberg.

We hope people who love Mark will find comfort in the things others share to remember and celebrate his life.”

Similar messages were displayed on many other profiles

Also see – Counting likes on Facebook? You have no purpose in life.

Facebook issues get addressed on Twitter

People expressed their shock and anguish on the micro-blogging website Twitter. Emily Guskin, a journalist from Washington Post said, “Yesterday I was on Facebook Live! Today I’m Facebook Dead.”

Facebook issues
Facebook issues

Another similar post by Julia Carrie Wong said, “Facebook Thursday: Fake news is not a problem
Facebook Friday: Mark Zuckerberg is dead. Your friends are dead. We are all dead.”

Steve Kovach said, “Zuck dead.”

Also see :- Facebook’s plans for India.

Another user by the name Evan Romano tweeted, “Facebook says everyone is dead except for me, not fair.”

These are just some of the tweets that we picked from Twitter. There are numerous other posts of similar fashion. Memorialized accounts are those accounts which are there for the near and dear ones of a deceased person. One of the steps involved in declaring an account a memorialized account is giving proof of death.

A spokesperson for Facebook commented this on the whole incident :-

“For a brief period today, a message meant for memorialized profiles was mistakenly posted to other accounts. This was a terrible error that we have now fixed.”

This happened just after Facebook was earlier accused of giving fake news in order to help Trump win the US elections. Zuckerberg obviously declined the accusations and that people vote according to what they experience in life, not on the basis of what they see on Facebook. Stay tuned for more Facebook issues.

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