Dublin, Ohio US: A paralyzed person, Ian Burkhart can hold a toothbrush, pick up a jar and pour, grasp a bottle, stir a cup of coffee and also move all the fingers. BUt all these, he can do only when he is put on a laboratory where he is wired with many electronic types of equipment. There is a device that interprets the brain signals and stimulates his muscles with electrodes on his forearm to make it functional.
While the researcher also has written in the Journal released recently that a paralyzed people hopefully will able to make the use of robotic arms and computers that will capture the signals coming from the brain and so it will be functional. And Ian Burkhart is taken as the subject for their study that has given the great results. And also, it was also said that a patient can use the brain implant for stimulating his paralyzed muscle.
Seeing the improvement, Burkhart has also commented that it will increase his quality of life and independence.
Dr. Ali Rezai, a study author and neurosurgeon at Ohio State University- Burkhart in the lab was kept attached with cables to his skull that can carry the signal to the computer and then Electrical stimulation can activate his hand and finger muscles to move. Dr. Rezai then also said that at first Burkhart situation was very critical but now it’s gotten better.
But Burkhart said that the stimulation causes him minor sensation due to his injury in his arm and muscles get tired after a while.
And the researchers have claimed that they would improve the technology to make the connections wireless instead placing electrodes beneath the scalp and replacing the strapped-on forearm electrodes with implanted ones for the betterment of the patients.
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